Tax justice in Pakistan

Tax justice is a core programme of the ISJ because through tax justice in Pakistan transparency in national, provincial and district level finance can be achieved which prohibits or prevents from secrecy or safe tax havens. The ISJ believes that transparency and openness in finance can help to reduce poverty and eliminate social injustice whereas secrecy leads to corruption, misappropriations and social injustice.

Unfortunately as the problem of tax injustice is so big and complex in Pakistan, so it is hardly being touched by CSOs. There are serious gaps and distortions in taxes and their regulations which infer grave violations and exploitations of humans and financial resources in Pakistan.

The ISJ aims to see tax compliance by all politicians, businessmen, industrialists, foreign investors and every citizen; therefore it is categorically against the tax evasion and all the systems and mechanisms that allow or facilitate politicians, parliamentarians, bureaucrats, bankers, feudal lords, chudharies, businessmen, industrialists, investors, companies and all individuals who have controllers over wealth.

The ISJ believes such escape from taxes is denial of their responsibilities to the societies on which they and their wealth depend (please check out policy paper for more details).